Last Wednesday, Joshua and I got to explore Kansas City as part of my Christmas present. We had tickets to see Josh Garrels and John Mark McMillan in concert, but we walked around downtown before the concert started. We came across this coffee shop called Quay. I had heard nothing but good things about this place and for good reason; their lattes were to die for. Best coffee I have ever had, hands down. The people there were great, and the atmosphere was calming. If you ever have a chance to go down to Kansas City, check out this coffee shop. <--- And look how stinking cute he is.
We went antiquing at the coolest antique shop I have ever seen. There were three levels plus a basement full of everything you could ever think of. We walked around for an hour and still hadn't even made it to the top floor.
And we decided on this trip that we are going to start collecting vintage cameras.
And finally, the best part of the whole trip. We saw Josh Garrels and John Mark McMillan live at Uptown Theatre. Before the show started, VIP ticket holders got to do a Q&A with the two of them. I learned so much about them as performers, as people, and as followers of Jesus. It was so cool to not only see them perform, but also to be completely transparent with us about all different aspects of their lives.
Following the Q&A was the best live performance I have ever seen. I didn't know it was possible, but both artists sounded even better live than they do on their albums. Josh Garrels played "Heaven's Knife", the song that Joshua and I danced to at our wedding, which was a really cool moment for Joshua and me.

After about three hours of music, the concert started coming to a close with McMillan coming out into the crowd and all of us singing along to an acoustic version of "How He Loves". Most people don't know, but that song was actually written by McMillan, and not by David Crowder. This trip was one of my favorites that we have taken together thus far, and by far my favorite concert. If you haven't had the pleasure of listening to the music of either of these two artists, I highly recommend you take the time to do so.
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